The Best Coworking Spaces Near Arcadia, Odessa

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Written By Angelo Sorbello

Founder of Linkdelta, an eCommerce and SEO agency. I've been a digital nomad for 5+ years

Welcome to our article on the best coworking spaces near Arcadia, where professionals can find innovative work environments and networking opportunities.

In this guide, we will explore the top-rated options in the area, providing valuable insights into their locations, amenities, and user reviews.

Whether you seek a bustling atmosphere with delectable food and beverages or a serene spot by the sea, we have curated a list of coworking spaces that cater to your productivity needs.

Join us as we uncover the ideal setting to enhance your work-life balance and foster creativity.

Key Takeaways

  • Gagarinn Food Hub offers take away food with friendly staff and nice tables and dishes. It has a rating of 4.2 out of 5 based on 261 reviews.
  • The Roastery by Odessa is located on ул. Центральная and has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 based on 1755 reviews. Customers enjoyed their experience, although some details may be hazy due to being drunk.
  • Slow Piggy is a fun place with good food and drinks, especially the perfectly cooked meat and unfiltered beer. It has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 based on 1341 reviews and is located on Henuezka St.
  • Santorini is an amazing and affordable spot for breakfast or dinner by the sea. It opens at 9 AM and has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 based on 4148 reviews. It is located on Zdorovya Track.

Gagarinn Food Hub

Located on Henuezka St., Gagarinn Food Hub is a coworking space near Arcadia that offers take away food with friendly staff and nice tables and dishes. The Gagarinn Food Hub stands out for its excellent takeaway options and exceptional customer service.

Whether you are looking for a quick snack or a full meal, the food here is prepared with care and attention to detail. The staff are always ready to assist you with a smile and provide a pleasant dining experience.

Additionally, the atmosphere and music at Slow Piggy, another nearby establishment, contribute to the overall innovative vibe of the area. With its selection of old rockabilly, blues, and American tunes, Slow Piggy creates a unique and enjoyable ambiance for coworking professionals seeking inspiration.

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The Roastery by Odessa

Continuing our exploration of coworking spaces near Arcadia, we now turn our attention to The Roastery by Odessa, a unique establishment that offers a distinct coffee experience.

Here are three highlights that make The Roastery by Odessa a must-visit for coffee enthusiasts in the area:

  • Coffee specialties at The Roastery by Odessa: This coworking space takes its coffee seriously, offering a range of specialty brews that are sure to please even the most discerning palates. From carefully crafted espresso drinks to single-origin pour-overs, they have it all.
  • Unique ambiance and atmosphere at The Roastery by Odessa: Step into The Roastery by Odessa and you'll be transported to a coffee lover's paradise. With its cozy seating areas, stylish decor, and a soothing aroma of freshly roasted beans, this space creates the perfect environment for creativity and productivity.
  • Innovation-driven community: The Roastery by Odessa attracts a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship. This dynamic environment fosters collaboration and networking, making it an ideal place for professionals looking to connect and create.

At The Roastery by Odessa, you can indulge in exceptional coffee specialties, immerse yourself in a unique ambiance, and join a community that values innovation. Don't miss out on this extraordinary coworking experience.

Slow Piggy

Slow Piggy, a coworking space near Arcadia, offers a vibrant and creative atmosphere for professionals to work and collaborate. With its unique combination of good food, drinks, and music, Slow Piggy creates an innovative environment that inspires productivity and creativity.

The atmosphere at Slow Piggy is lively and energetic, with the perfect blend of old rockabilly, blues, and American tunes playing in the background. This carefully curated music selection enhances the overall ambiance, fostering a sense of artistic freedom and inspiration.

Whether you're brainstorming ideas, working on a project, or networking with like-minded individuals, the atmosphere at Slow Piggy is designed to fuel innovation and collaboration. So, if you're looking for a coworking space that offers a dynamic and stimulating environment, Slow Piggy is the place to be.

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Santorini, an amazing and affordable spot for breakfast or dinner by the sea, is a highly recommended coworking space near Arcadia. With its breathtaking view of the ocean and the calming sound of waves, Santorini provides a scenic location that inspires creativity and innovation.

Here are three reasons why Santorini is the perfect choice for coworking:

  • Affordable dining options at Santorini: Enjoy delicious meals without breaking the bank. Santorini offers a variety of affordable breakfast and dinner options that cater to different tastes and dietary preferences.
  • The scenic location of Santorini for coworking: Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature while working. Santorini's picturesque setting creates a peaceful and inspiring atmosphere, allowing you to focus and be productive.
  • Convenient opening hours: Santorini opens at 9 AM, making it an ideal place to start your workday. Whether you prefer an early morning session or a late-night brainstorming session, Santorini accommodates your schedule.

Experience the perfect blend of work and relaxation at Santorini, where affordability and scenic views come together to enhance your coworking experience.

Food and Drinks

When considering the coworking spaces near Arcadia, it is important to explore the options for food and drinks available. For those in need of a caffeine boost, the best coffee shops in the area are worth exploring.

Gagarinn Food Hub offers take away food with friendly staff and nice tables and dishes.

The Roastery by Odessa has received positive reviews, although some details may be hazy due to customers being drunk.

Slow Piggy is a fun place with good food and drinks, especially their perfectly cooked meat and unfiltered beer. The atmosphere is enhanced by the music, featuring old rockabilly, blues, and American tunes.

If you're looking for local specialties, Santorini is an amazing and affordable spot for breakfast or dinner by the sea. With a rating of 4.5 out of 5 based on 4148 reviews, it is definitely a must-visit.

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Ratings and Reviews

The ratings and reviews of the coworking spaces near Arcadia provide valuable insights into their quality and customer satisfaction. When making decisions about where to work, the opinions of others can greatly impact our choices.

Here are three key points to consider when looking at ratings and reviews:

  • Ratings impact on customer decisions: High ratings can attract more customers, while low ratings can drive them away. Positive reviews create a sense of trust and credibility, making it more likely for potential customers to choose a particular coworking space.
  • Importance of customer reviews: Reviews offer firsthand experiences from people who have already used the coworking spaces. They provide valuable information about the amenities, atmosphere, and overall experience. Customers often consider reviews as a primary factor in their decision-making process.
  • Insight into quality and customer satisfaction: Ratings and reviews offer a glimpse into the quality of the coworking spaces and the level of satisfaction among customers. By reading reviews, potential users can gauge whether a particular space meets their needs and preferences.

Considering the impact ratings have on customer decisions and the importance of customer reviews, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the ratings and reviews of coworking spaces near Arcadia before making a choice.


In conclusion, professionals in Arcadia have a variety of excellent coworking spaces to choose from.

Whether it's the convenient take-away food and friendly staff at Gagarinn Food Hub, the positive reviews of The Roastery by Odessa, the lively atmosphere at Slow Piggy, or the scenic view at Santorini, there is something for everyone.

With these options and more in Primorsky and throughout Odessa, individuals can find the perfect coworking space to enhance their productivity and networking opportunities.

So why wait? Start exploring these vibrant workspaces today and unlock your full potential.